Sensor Cahaya pada Solar tracker With AT89S52

Diagram Blok Solar tracker With AT89S52
AT89S52 With sun tracker is a tool used to control the direction of the panel Solar Cell for always getting sunlight. AT89S52 With solar tracker uses a light sensor as a light detector. AT89S52 With solar tracker uses dc motors for Solar Cell panels menegendalikan direction. Broadly speaking AT89S52 With Solar tracker may be analogous as a tool to adjust the position of the exposure to the solar cell matahri direction by Ensor sensing light and a DC motor which is controlled using a microcontroller AT89S52.
Block Diagram With Solar tracker AT89S52. Pictured above is a series that could be used for the light sensor on the solar tracker With AT89S52. The light sensor on AT89S52 With Solar tracker can use the LDR. Configuring LDR on Solar Tracker With AT89S52 using OP-Amp as a signal conditioner output of the LDR