Skema Rangkaian Power Supply Simetris Variabel LM317/337
Symmetrical Variable Power Supply LM317/337 is a series of power supply with output symmetrical with tgangan output that can be set (adjustment). Symmetrical Variable Power Supply Rangkiaan LM317/337 uses LM317 variable DC regulator to regulator positive and negative voltage regulator for variable voltage regulator negativenya LM37. Symmetrical Power Supply series LM317/337 Variables can be used to provide the source voltage with maximum current 1A. In the application field can be mounted voltmeters at each point its output to ease in setting the output voltage level circuit Symmetrical Variable Power Supply LM317/337 this. Following a series of Symmetrical Variable Power Supply LM317/337 in question.
Symmetrical Variable Power Supply series LM317/337. Symmetrical Power Supply series LM317/337 above variables using the input source voltage of 18V AC 18V CT transformer CT. To set a positive voltage level by adjusting the potentiometer can dilkakukan 25K at the LM317 regulator and to regulate the negative voltage level carried out by adjusting the potentiometer 25K at the LM337 negative voltage regulator.