Parametric equalisers are commonly absolutely complex, and acquiesce for capricious Q (Quality factor), so the aiguille or dip can be fabricated aciculate or broad. This assemblage does not acquiesce this, but the Q will alter as the bulk of equalisation is varied. Conceivably decidedly (or conceivably not), this works able-bodied in practice, and my assemblage has added than abundant ambit for accustomed equalisation tasks.
I tend to feel that if a assemblage such as this is not able of removing the problem, again the absolute account of the botheration should be investigated, rather than activity for added complexity, and added abolitionist variations in the about appearance of the signal.
I do not acclaim this assemblage for hi-fi accent controls! As an equaliser to actual specific problems, it can still be acclimated with care. Bear in apperception that parametric EQ is not able-bodied accepted by best people, and if it is attainable it is potentially alarming for your loudspeakers. As a analytic apparatus it is acutely advantageous - if sonic problems are encountered, some analysis with one (or more) parametric equalisers can be accessible in anecdotic the attributes and consequence of the problem.