2N3055 + MJ2955
The c70 is a scaled down version of the c200. This does not imply an inferior performance, but rather a slightly simpler circuit due to the omission of the output protection network. Power output is less as the ever popular 2N3055 and MJ2955 are used. Properly constructed, it is surprising how good an amplifier can sound even with these "ancient" transistors.
Power supply requirements for 1 channel of c70 is a 25-0-25Vac, 100VA transformer for a supply rail of +-33Vdc. Filter capacitors are 2x10,000uF/50V. Output unclipped power is 45 Watts/RMS into 8 ohms and 70 Watts/RMS into 4 ohms.
For further information and power testing, kindly refer to the c200.